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Human Rights, Democracy, Gender, Racial & Justice

Human Rights, Democracy, Gender, Racial & Justice

IN Education, Human Rights, Youth
Investor Name:
Published Date:
January 16, 2012
About Project
  • Gender equality, and climate sustainability Upbeat youth
  • Upbeat Youth Southern Africa pursue a Human rights , democracy , GenderĀ  , RacialĀ  & justice based approach to development. The aim is that everyone, including the poorest people, knows their rights and are able to act for their rights.
  • We values evidence-based governance and upholds the value that knowledge empowers people as individuals and active citizens
  • Using participatory methodologies we hosts workshops with people in communities and organisations.


Our dialogues and conversations are platforms for frank and productive interactions that are facilitated between people as citizens, policy-makers, government leaders and leaders in private and civic sectors of society.

Through these engagement we provide:

  • A non-partisan and structured dialogue that allows people to share their views
  • For government leaders & decision-makers to consult the community openly
  • training on Gender,Racial,justice,human rights, environment-conservation, democracy and good governance
  • Innovative use of website and social media platforms.
  • drawing together trends in sustainable development and analysis of government, policies and programmes.
  • critical and accessible information sharing for people.